Progress report

Back in January I wrote a post about my plans / goals for this year and as we're now almost halfway through 2016 (how scary is that?!) I thought I'd revisit my plans and see how I'm getting on. 

I had some sewing related goals, and non sewing related ones.  The sewing related ones were:

Gain new skills / improve existing skills

I've certainly done this.  I had the great pleasure of attending two classes with Alison Smith at her School of Sewing.  In my last two blog posts I shared my experiences at both these and I can safely say I learned loads.  I've been able to put some of the skills and techniques I picked up into practice already, with a couple of outfits I'm making for a friend.  I'll hopefully use them on some things for myself soon as well.

I've also done some more pattern drafting classes at Fabric HQ, and have just finished drafting and toiling a skirt pattern.  It's now ready to be made up so I will hopefully be sharing that with you soon as well.

Consider what I'm sewing

I haven't done quite so well here.  I set myself a list of things I wanted to make, and so far I don't think I've made any of them.  I bought denim for some jeans, but have used half of it making a denim skirt instead.  I think I'll still do the chambray pussy bow blouse, but the jumpsuit is unlikely to be made this year.  The jacket I might leave until Autumn, I do still fancy doing it. 

The non sewing related goals were to do with health and wellbeing.  The first was to improve my mental health.  This has been a bit mixed, I did really well for a while and actually felt better than I had for months, but the last few weeks I feel like I've slipped back a bit.  The frequency (or not) of my blog posts is a good indication of how I'm feeling mentally it seems. 

Things have been pretty stressful at work; following the restructure we had earlier this year we are very low on staff and struggling to recruit, so everyone is doing more than they normally would.  Two of my staff members have left and the remaining one is leaving four weeks today so unless we have at least one replacement by then I'm not sure what we're going to do. 

I've been really busy outside work as well, with teaching or attending sewing classes every weekend for the last month, and several more weeks to come, as well as making two outfits for a friend.  I realise that I've probably over committed myself and need to make sure in the future I give myself some free weekends. 

Also, the general state of the world gets me down.  So many awful things seem to happen, things that are completely out of my control and while they don't affect me directly, they do give me the feeling that this world is not a nice place any more.

I wanted to try and eat more healthily.  Again, this has been up and down.  I seem to veer between eating super healthily and shoving everything I can lay my hands on into my mouth.  I think this has a LOT to do with how I'm feeling mentally, and also - silly as it sounds - the weather.  What has happened to our summer this year?  It's non existent really and I don't want to eat salad when it's raining.  I want comfort food and something easy.  I also want comfort food when I'm feeling low.  Sadly I'm not one of those people that stops eating when I'm feeling below par mentally - I eat more, and then feel guilty about it, which of course makes me feel worse!

So, sorry to end this post on a less than cheerful note.  If I'd have written it a month or two ago the general tone would have been far more positive.   I'm hoping that in another six months I will be able to report far more positively on all my goals. 

Did you set yourself any goals at the beginning of this year?  How have you got on with them?


  1. Loving the outfits you've made so far. Well above my technical skill and look very professional. Sorry to hear that you are a bit up and down. I think most people are the same. All I can suggest is that you try not watching the news or reading newspapers. They are too depressing. If there is anything important that you need to know about you will. Try keeping a gratitude journal as well. I find that helpful.

    1. Thanks Jen! It was lovely to see you last night.

  2. Hi Samantha--you aren't alone! From the sewing plans (you are doing much better than I am!) to the work stress and the food/exercise battle, it's so easy to get frustrated and bummed out. Add a side of insomnia and the best laid plans get set aside day after day. Sigh. Your jacket and dress look lovely. Don't be too hard on yourself when you don't accomplish every goal--I found I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to create something when really I was just too tired. I'm trying to celebrate the small wins and not make myself feel worse if I'm having a bad day. Cheers!

    1. Uh, yes that all sounds very familiar. We are way to hard on ourselves sometimes, aren't we?

  3. oh, I'm sorry that you are having a rough patch! It doesn't help when the weather is gloomy, and work is crazy challenging. Sending digital internet hugs your way! Hopefully things will brighten up (on all fronts) soon.


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