Made by Me: Simplicity 2263 Top

Have you ever got home from work and just wanted to sew... sew something... sew anything?!

That's how I felt today.  I'd had a fairly average day, driving to South London from home and back.  A journey of 40 odd miles that took me 3 hours this morning!  Thankfully coming home it took about half that. 

By the time I got home I just wanted to relax and do something creative. 

So, I had a rummage in my pattern and fabric stash and less than 2 hours later, this top was finished!

The pattern is Simplicity 2263, purchased half price a month or so ago.  I was going to use the fabric that became my Lattice Topped Dress for the top in this pattern, but obviously that didn't happen!

The fabric is a jersey remnant that I literally had just enough to squeeze the top out of. 

The top is 2 pieces (wonderful for after work, unplanned sewing!) as I didn't need to use the neck facings.  The "shoulder" seams are dropped forward and the front gathers onto the back part. 

I stabilised the shoulder seams with some transparent elastic - I think it's meant for swimwear or underwear and I don't even know why I have it in my sewing box. 

Ooops, looks like I missed a little bit of the neckline hem, by the shoulder seam.  I'll have to fix that!

The neckline, sleeves and hem are just turned under and sewn using a zigzag stitch that is made up of tiny straight stitches.  (Like number 11 below)

I don't know if it has a special name!  It's the first time I've used this stitch on jersey and it gave a much nicer result than a standard zigzag does. 

I'm very pleased with the result.  The pattern isn't designed for jersey, but it definitely works, and it's the type of top I find easy and comfortable to wear.  I can definitely see me making more of these, possibly an inch or two longer next time. 

I was feeling a bit headless (or brainless) by the time I got home from work!

Next up will be the tulip skirt from the same pattern, in some dark denim.  Hopefully that will happen over the weekend. 

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