Friday 31 January 2014

Friday Fancies


It's Friday again, and I'm so pleased!  This week has been a frustrating one, largely because some lovely person decided to break the windscreen of my car in the early hours of last Saturday morning.  I was then car-less until Wednesday evening and spent entirely too much time on the phone trying to get everything sorted out. 

Anyway, enough of my troubles, here are some lovely things that have taken my fancy this week.

Lovely Liberty print Tana Lawn.  The Spring 2014 collection takes inspiration from different areas of the Regent Street store, and this print - called Alexandra - is based on the jewellery room.

I think this would look perfect made up into this little top:

This is Teach Me Fashion's (no, I hadn't heard of them either!) Two Tone Singlet pattern.  You can get the pattern free by registering on their website.  I came across a version of this made by Sew Unravelled, and think I'll probably attempt it myself when the weather gets a bit warmer.

I somehow (not quite sure how it happened!) bought an overlocker (or serger to many people) this week, so I'm sure this series of blog posts by Make It Handmade will come in very handy.  She even uses exactly the same serger as I bought, which makes it even handier.

A pretty wrist pin cushion, this is by Heather Bailey, using her Spring Violets free pattern.  I desperately need one of these, and I've actually got some of the bits cut out for one.  I'm going to make a larger one as well (I hope!).

And finally a little bit of fun.  I saw this and - as a confirmed tea addict - thought it was spot on!

In fact, I'm off to make myself a cup of tea right now. 

Have a lovely weekend.  I'll be back next week with some actual proper sewing to show you.


  1. I love the inference that you 'accidentally' bought an overlocker this week - I 'inadvertently' bought a pile of fabric yesterday - must be an epidemic! I love a nice cup of tea - M&S Empress Grey or (if I'm feeling grand) Fortnum & Mason Countess Grey - black, bone china mug, brewed for 5 minutes - bliss :)

    1. Ha ha! Glad I'm not alone. I inadvertently bought fabric yesterday too. I went to the shop for some bondaweb and came away with that, plus 2 metres of lightweight denim and 2.5 metres of some black and grey floral fabric that was reduced. I've already got a dress cut out of the denim...

      Oooh, I'll have to try M&S Empress Grey. I like Earl Grey and Lady Grey, but my "normal" cuppa is a nice strong cup of Yorkshire tea, not too much milk, no sugar.

  2. Oh gosh - I'm sorry to hear about your windscreen. What a pain to have to deal with that! But: you got a serger! Yay!

    I'm swooning over that Liberty. It's a darn good thing there's no place to buy it here in Chicago! I'd be in the poor house!

    1. Thanks Gail. That Liberty print is gorgeous, isn't it.

      I've had a play with the overlocker this morning and would you believe that it doesn't work properly, so I've got to get Brother to change it!

  3. SO sorry about your car. That is terrible..
    Love that you got a serger...that will sure make you feel better.ha
    Love that fabric.. Thanks for sharing about the new pattern.. Will check it out.


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