Monday 8 April 2013

I'd like to thank...

... Jacq, from A Good Talking To... for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blogger awards.

Thank you so much Jacq, its no secret that I sometimes find blogging hard, so its lovely to know that there people out there who enjoy my ramblings!

Like most things, there are a few rules attached, and the rules of this award are:

Thank the person who nominated you. 
Add the One Lovely Blog Award/Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
Share 7 things about yourself.
Pass the award on to 10 nominees.
Include this set of rules. 
Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs. 

I've thanked Jacq and added the awards to this post, so my next step must be to share 7 things about myself.  Hmm......

  1. I have a younger sister who is adopted.  We look nothing alike, but its amazing how many people commented when we were growing up how similar we looked.  Maybe it was something to do with the matching dresses my mum used to make us wear?
  2. I love a glass (or two) of wine, but I could give up drinking alcohol tomorrow.  However if you told me I could never have another cup of tea I'd be devastated!
  3. In my teens (early 80's) I was a mad Duran Duran fan.  I met them once when I was 13 and was too scared to speak to any of them!
  4. One of my greatest pleasures is a soak in a deep, hot bath with a good book and a cup of tea.
  5. I love peace and quiet, and could happily spend a day at home on my own sewing or knitting without the need for television, radio or music in the background.
  6. I can't understand the attraction of making your own underwear when Marks and Spencer do it so well (no offence to those who do make their own!).
  7. I can't whistle!

Now, the most difficult bit, choosing 10 bloggers to pass this award on to.  Difficult, because there are loads I'd love to choose.  I'd love to give this award back to Jacq, but as I can't, I would like to nominate the following blogs, in no particular order:

Carolyn of Handmade by Carolyn.  Not only has she  pledged to wear only clothes handmade by herself this year, but she is also drawing her outfits each week!

Judith at Made by J.  I've only discovered Judith's blog quite recently, and she mine, but her support has been amazing. And she's been making some gorgeous wrap tops, which are a favourite of mine.

Rosy at Sewingadicta.  I was lucky enough to be paired with Rosy in House of Pinheiro's International Craft Swap and fell in love with her gorgeous handmade clothes.  Just look at this coat and this dress.

Gail at Today's Agenda.  She makes gorgeous clothes for herself, a perfect white shirt for her hubby, and she shares my love of Kim Hargreaves knitting patterns!  Need I say more.

I only discovered Truly Myrtle's blog recently, but have already found it incredibly inspiring.  I love her plan to make a full outfit each month, and I love the three outfits she's made so far this year!

Gillian at Crafting a Rainbow. Gillian is passionate about the Cake Tiramisu dress pattern - she's made 8! including one for her mum and one for her sister

Anne, of AnnieBeeKnits is Gillian's sister.  What a talented family!  She knits some gorgeous things, and her recent blog series on colour has been both inspiring and interesting.

I'm sure she's been nominated heaps of times before, but I'm going to have to nominate Tilly, from Tilly and the Buttons, who I'm sure you all know!  Her Learn to Sew series is beautifully photographed and beautifully explained, she's been published  AND she's on the telly!  You can't get much more inspiring than that, can you?!

I'm in awe of the knits that Julie at Knitted Bliss produces.  They are always perfectly finished and perfectly photographed, and her own designs are gorgeous.  Velvet Morning makes me want to master colourwork!

And last but by no means least, Karen at Did You Make That? who is someone I know Jacq wanted to nominate, if she'd had more than 10 picks!  Karen's blog is one of the first I found, and it helped rekindle my interest in and love of sewing.  Every one of her finished projects looks pretty much perfect!


  1. It's so difficult isn't it? I've made myself a little list today, I've got another 20 blogs on it, 20! I love the sewing blogging community :)

    1. I know, tell me about it! The sewing blog community is fab, isn't it?!

  2. Thank you so much! It's lovely to read the bits about you... I'm right with you on the tea but I am a pretty good wolf whistler. It has to be one of my most useful skills since I've had kids. Saves shouting... but not terribly lady-like ;)
    Looking forward to checking out some of your nominations. X

    1. I've always wanted to be able to wolf whistle! I hope you enjoy my nominations.

  3. Aw thank you so much for nominating me! Good to read your blog recommendations too, there are a couple there that are new to me, I'm going to check them out... x

    1. Ooh, I hope you like the blogs that are new to you!

  4. Congrats on your award, Sam! And thank you so much for mentioning me :-)

  5. Thanks dear Sam, I am very honored to receive this award and I took them to my blog. Thank you for your kind words!

    1. I saw your post on your blog. It was lovely to read the little bits of information about you.

  6. Thank you so much for thinking of me Sam; you are kind :) I loved reading those things about you; we have a lot in common I think. Tea is my drink of choice, too; and oh my! you MET Duran Duran!! My teenage self would have been totally struck dumb!

    1. Yes, I saw your post on tea infusers this morning! I certainly DID meet Duran Duran, and yes, my teenage self was struck dumb too. All I can remember thinking was how tall (and gorgeous) John Taylor was!


Thank you so much for your comment, every one is read and appreciated. It means a lot to me that you take the time to read and comment on my posts.