Tuesday 1 January 2013

A Year in Knitting and a Pledge

Welcome to 2013!  If you were out celebrating last night I hope you had a wonderful time and aren't suffering too much today. 

I thought I'd start the New Year by telling you about a new knitting project I'm starting today, one that will last the entire year.  Along with several other members of the Anthropologie Knits group on Ravelry I will be making a Sky Scarf, using varying shades of blue and grey yarn to knit one stripe each day that matches the colour of the sky.

I am using 7 colours of Rowan Wool Cotton DK, and will actually be making a Million Stripes Loop cowl rather than a scarf.  I'll share my progress each month with you, and hope to be able to show a beautifully striped piece, rather than just grey, grey, grey!  But you never know with the English weather!

These are the colours I'll be using.

If necessary I'm happy to add extra colours into the scheme as the year progresses.

On a related note, I saw this article recently about a knitting clock that knits one stitch every 30 minutes for a whole year to create a scarf. 


I'm not one for making New Years resolutions - I never keep them - but today I have signed up for a stitching pledge over at Did You Make That?  Karen is asking us to put our money where our mouth is and is going to keep a jar filled with our pledges so she remind us of them at the end of 2013.   We can then own up to whether they were achieved or not! 

My pledge is to make a pair of trousers that fit.  Slightly scary I have to say, I find the prospect of sewing trousers even more daunting than making a coat.   But I always have trouble buying trousers that fit, so it would be good to learn to make my own, tailored to my shape.


  1. I love the idea of your scarf, how did you pick the colours?

    I think the pledge is a wonderful idea, I'm "in" too although I'm going nowhere near tackling trousers!

    1. I spent ages online researching a yarn that had a good selection of greys and blues in it's colourways! I don't often by Rowan as I find it expensive, but it won this time.

      I'm not sure that I'm ready to tackle trousers yet, but I'll give it a go. I'm sick of not being able to buy trousers that fit me properly.

  2. I signed up for Karen's Sewlution too! It's going to be fun :-)

    I love the colors you've chosen for your sky scarf!

    1. Thank you. I was really pleased to be able to use the light blue for my first stripe, rather than grey!

  3. That knitting clock is a really clever idea! Good luck with your trousers! I haven't attempted any yet. My pledge was to make something fully lined, probably a dress. I keep not doing linings out of either laziness or fear of failure…

    1. Yeah, not sure I'm actually looking forward to tackling trousers! LOL! I have lined a few things, and it's not too hard as long as you take your time, but it can dramatically increase the time a project takes.


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