Vintage Pledge 2016

Are you familiar with the Vintage Pledge challenge hosted by A Stitching Odyssey and Kestrel Makes?

It's now in it's third year and Marie of A Stitching Odyssey started it in 2014 when she realised that she was hoarding vintage patterns faster than she could sew them.  She invited the sewing community to start using vintage patterns more regularly and the rest is history!

I haven't joined in before, but have followed along with interest.  The reason I haven't followed along is that I don't really think I suit vintage clothing.  I know 1940's and 50's styles are popular with many people who sew vintage, but while I can admire them on others, I can never imagine myself wearing them.  1960's styles are a bit more me... I can do a shift dress or something similar and do actually own a few vintage patterns from that era (none of which I've ever made). 

However I recently saw a picture of this cape on Instagram and immediately fell in love. 

It's a Decades of Style pattern from the 1930's.  Isn't it gorgeous?  I can see it being perfect for Spring/Summer when you just need a little something to cover your arms, but don't require a full jacket or coat.  I think it looks great with jeans and is actually quite a modern looking style.  I love the velveteen fabric it's made in here, but think it would look equally good in a lightweight wool or tweed - maybe a light grey for Spring?

So, for the first year I've decided to join in with the Vintage Pattern Pledge, I'm taking it quite easy and have just pledged to make two garments from vintage or reproduction patterns.  This will definitely be one of them.  I'm not sure what the other will be yet.  There are a couple of other 1930's patterns on the Decades of Style website I like the look of, the Salon trousers and the Kitchenette pyjamas.

I'm not sure quite how flattering either garment would be though, and I do already have a jumpsuit pattern that I haven't made and had planned to this year.  (If I was to make the Kitchenette pyjamas they would be a solid colour and for daytime wear as a jumpsuit).  I'll have a look through my small stash of vintage patterns and see what else I can come up with before I splash my cash on any more.

Are you a fan of vintage patterns, or like me have you shied away from them until now?


  1. These are beautiful patterns, look forward to seeing what you make. I've used a couple of vintage patterns, but only for special occasion dresses.

    1. Thanks Denise. I tend to associate vintage patterns with special occasion wear as well.

  2. I love vintage styles, so elegant and classy. And that would never suit me as I'm short & fat, but I can definitely admire them. I love the cross over back top in the last picture. Isn't it funny how the girls in the pictures are all Amazons!

    1. Thanks Fran. They're always so tall and elegant aren't they!

  3. I have been looking at the kitchette pyjamas for some time...i dont know if i would suit them (or do the wash up in them) but i love the idea of lounging around in them......

    1. I'm not sure that I would suit them either but I am tempted!

  4. I love the cape and love how she has styled it with jeans. However I just don't get the vintage thing. Classic, yes but vintage, no. I'm sure I could be persuaded otherwise given the right style and I acknowledge that our modern fashions all originated from somewhere but there are so many things I need to sew up from our new designers first. I'll be watching with interest!

    1. I don't really get the vintage thing either. Maybe it depends on your lifestyle? Vintage dresses definitely don't suit my job as a building surveyor! I think I like the cape because to me it looks very modern.

  5. Yes, the cape is gorgeous. Can't wait to see it made up. The kitchenette pyjamas are great. Perhaps they are a play on those house dresses housewives used to wear over their clothes when doing housework - just a much more stylish version.

    1. Yes, I was thinking that the kitchenette pyjamas were along the lines of a house dress. Much more stylish though, and definitely more stylish than my normal housework attire of leggings and a t-shirt.

  6. Wow! The cape is amazing. Good luck with your pledge!

  7. oooo that cape! Looking forward to seeing your "vintage" makes!

  8. What a fantastic cape. I really like the pyjamas too, looking forward to seeing your finished makes


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