Super Spirit

Those of you who've been following my blog for a while will probably know that I love Kim Hargreaves knitting patterns.

I've got several of her books, and yesterday received her new one ~ Spirit ~ in the post.

It's totally gorgeous, by far the nicest out of those I own.  I want to make about half the items at least!

I think I'd like to start with Edgy

I have some lilac Katia Pima cotton in my stash that would work, but I'm hankering for a mustard yellow instead. 

I'd also like to make Beat, Cheeky and Clear, to name but three more!

Oh, and I'm also desperate now for a pair of bright yellow trousers, after seeing the gorgeous cover photo!

1 comment

  1. Edgy is on my list too! And those yellow trousers!


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